The quality of UNIQLO products is made possible by the Takumi Team - specialists with exceptional dyeing and material production techniques from the Japanese textile industry. The Takumi Team offers technical support to our partner factories to ensure quality control while maintaining deep connections with the people who make our clothes.
The people behind
our clothes
UNIQLO clothes are made by people around the world who work in our partner factories. We promote the wellbeing of every worker by supporting efforts to create safe and healthy working conditions and UNIQLO works closely with each factory to ensure the production of high quality clothes.
TAKUMI: Ensuring exceptional quality
UN Women + Career-building Training for Women Working in UNIQLO Textile Partner Companies
Photo: UN Women/Pornvit Visitoran
In 2019, UNIQLO signed a global partnership with UN Women, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women. Given the fact that the vast majority of workers in the apparel industry are women, UNIQLO decided to join forces with UN Women to offer capacity-building training for women working in our textile partner factories in Asia, and support the activities of each and every woman who contributes to UNIQLO clothes-making. We work with women to foster a thriving sustainable supply chain and create products that fulfill customer expectations.