Pokémon: A New Adventure
From the skies and seas to the forests and cities, encounter mysterious creatures known as Pokémon. This collection draws inspiration from the latest Pokémon animated series, which is about the journey of meeting and growing together with Pokémon. Through the special designs, including Captain Pikachu along with various Pokémon, immerse yourself in the captivating adventure of the Pokémon world.
©2024 Pokémon.
©1995-2024 Nintendo/Creatures Inc./GAME FREAK inc.
- The images shown may include colors that are not available.
From the skies and seas to the forests and cities, encounter mysterious creatures known as Pokémon. This collection draws inspiration from the latest Pokémon animated series, which is about the journey of meeting and growing together with Pokémon. Through the special designs, including Captain Pikachu along with various Pokémon, immerse yourself in the captivating adventure of the Pokémon world.
©2024 Pokémon.
©1995-2024 Nintendo/Creatures Inc./GAME FREAK inc.
- The images shown may include colors that are not available.
Material Composition:
100% Cotton
Care Instructions:
Machine wash up to 40 degrees, gentle cycle, Do not Dry Clean, Suitable for tumble-drying.