OSHI NO KO is a manga series currently serialized in “WEEKLY YOUNG JUMP” and the first anime season was released in 2023. This is the first collaboration with OSHI NO KO, as it prepares to air its second season. This is an original collection available only for UT, incorporating the cute and dark world of the popular characters into the designs.
©A x Y/S, OP
- The images shown may include colors that are not available.
OSHI NO KO is a manga series currently serialized in “WEEKLY YOUNG JUMP” and the first anime season was released in 2023. This is the first collaboration with OSHI NO KO, as it prepares to air its second season. This is an original collection available only for UT, incorporating the cute and dark world of the popular characters into the designs.
©A x Y/S, OP
- The images shown may include colors that are not available.
Material Composition:
100% Cotton
Care Instructions:
Machine wash up to 40 degrees, gentle cycle, Do not Dry Clean, Suitable for tumble-drying.